Friday, October 1, 2021

Rider Waite-The Major Arcana!


Cards in the deck

So firstly let's talk about the cards in the deck, it is a good a place as any to start. The deck consists of 78 cards. The cards are split firstly into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major's are made up of 22 cards numbered 1-21 (0 being The Fool as he can be at the beginning or end a persons journey). The rest are made up of 4 suits each with 13 cards per suit; starting with the Ace and ending with the King. The suits are:
  • Wands - Fire
  • Pentacles - Earth
  • Cups - Water
  • Swords - Air
We will get to the suits again soon but first, let's look at the Major Arcana cards. There are 22 and in order they are:
  • 0- The Fool
  • 1- The Magician
  • 2- The High Priestess
  • 3- The Empress
  • 4- The Emperor
  • 5- The Hierophant
  • 6- The Lovers
  • 7- The Chariot
  • 8- Strength
  • 9- The Hermit
  • 10- Wheel of Fortune
  • 11- Justice
  • 12- The Hanged Man
  • 13- Death
  • 14- Temperance
  • 15- The Devil
  • 16- The Tower
  • 17- The Star
  • 18-The Moon
  • 19- The Sun
  • 20- Judgement
  • 21- The World
The Major's represent a major event that has or may happen soon, karmic influences on ourselves, changes, events, memories, the major SHOULD resonate with you in a reading. Or at least have an inkling how this could be related to you.
Let us break down what each card from the major's mean, I will be including reversal meanings (a card pulled upside down), although some tarot readers do not use reversal meanings, some don't want to relay negative messages (not all reversals are negative!), some simply don't have the time to learn reversal. But I will attempt to make this as easy as possible, in the hopes to help a beginner. 


The fool is depicted by a man and his faithful white dog standing at the edge of a cliff or hill, he carries a long stick and bundle on his back, he does not need much, he is ready to begin or complete his journey, either way he shows optimism. The Fool is young person, teens to twenties aged. You could be moving out your parents home, moving abroad you could even be a minimalist puling this card! He starts or ends your journey depending on spread.

Upright Meaning: 
The Fool upright when in a reading upright shows a sense of beginning. Whether this be the beginning of relationship/adventure/family plans etc, it is showing you are entering a new territory. This may also advise that whilst, yes you are experiencing something new, be cautious. Try not to head into this venture unplanned or unready. The Fool represents feeling like you are/have a free spirit, you cannot be tamed and your legs go where the wind blows them. Again the warning for this card is definitely to be cautious and mindful of your next big step. In health, be aware of head injuries and being generally clumsy. This is a card of someone accident prone. 
Reversal Meaning: 
The Fool reversed asks you to ask yourself if you're being reckless or irrational. Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Are you wandering into a field you know nothing/not much about? Possibly you are physically ready to take the next step but mentally you're holding yourself back. The Fool reminds me (when in a reading) how can i avoid being "foolish" about "X" situation? Can we be more prepared, do you feel you are taken the fool by someone? When we see the Fool reversed in a health reading, you may find you're offered an unusual or different used techniques/medication for your health. 


The Magician is just that. He has the four elements of the deck laid on the table in front of him. He points upwards towards the universe above and downwards towards earth; the infinity symbol on his head symbolising that his possibilities are endless for him. He is the spark of an idea, the notion of a thought. We never question where an idea comes from, we just acknowledge that we have an idea, some which never make it past that stage. The Magician's white robes are significant of innocence, divinity and purity. The red signifies all-knowing wisdom and knowledge. 

Upright Meaning:
The Magician upright says what you want is yours for the taking, it is time to manifest your ideas and thoughts and turn them into something worth growing! The Magician reminds you that this card is not a free pass to feel almighty, but rather a card that should be seen as a sign to further your goals/plans/ambitions. You have opportunities arising (if they haven't already) and this card is telling you everything you need is right there to optimise and aid you in growing towards your achievements. When the querent asks their health, to be presented with this card is a great sign- it shows someone on the mend, or at least feeling better. If you are not feeling better, this shows a specialist/consultant is working on your case to get to the bottom of it- your illness may be a large one or something unknown- which requires a doctor like the Magician; someone who is in the know and full of experience.
Reversal Meaning:
The Reversed Magician asks if you are aware that you can proceed? And if you aren't proceeding then why? The Magician Reversed asks if you can be aware of the possibility that what you want might have to be put hold on for a while, whether you're aware of this yet or not. The Magician asks if you/someone close to you is abusing their power, do you feel you are being manipulated in some way. Do you feel you have a lot to offer or contribute to a team/home/work environment but maybe you feel you are too anxious to show what you're capable of  for the fear of being seen differently. Again, in a health reading, the Magician reversed shows issues psychologically- if you're worried you have any mental health issue, contact your GP to discuss this.  

The High Priestess-02

The High Priestess is a card of intuition and the sub-conscious mind. The High Priestess sits in front of a veil which is detailed in pomegranates. She shields the sub-conscious, holding a crescent moon in her hands. The letters 'B' and 'J' is on either pillar, Latin for Boaz Jachin meaning- In his strength, he will establish/know. This promotes the sense of becoming in touch with your inner self, looking inside and trusting your gut and intuition for answers, being able to trust and look within ourselves for the answers we seek.
Upright Meaning:
Upright High Priestess is showing that you have to at the bigger picture, this card tells you to assess the situation that you are in because it seems there is something much larger going on behind the scenes. High Priestess is an invitation to look into your sub-conscious and feel the issue around you, try not to jump the gun. Look how to tackle situations better mentally. In the health of this querent, this is someone who may have an idea of what their current illness is, this person feels they're in tune with their body and it's needs. If you do not feel that way, you may think currently your body is giving you some signals that something isn't right. If you have raised concerns you may be feeling ignored and let down. The high Priestess is a common symbol of hormones, fluidity, gender, sex and pregnancies.
Reversed Meaning:
High Priestess in reverse is a sign that you're getting involved with drama that doesn't concern you. You seem to be inputting on a concern that doesn't need your words, take heed that getting involved in something that you don't need to be involved in, may suck you into the vortex of an argument or conflict. This card asks if you're not listening to your inner voice, the one that sometimes says "hey, i have a funny feeling about this!" Are you ignoring it purposefully or brushing it off as a voice of doubt? It isn't a voice of doubt but more the voice of reason. A reversed priestess in health can show the pillars as window bars, this person could be agoraphobic- or just struggle being around other people, they are introverted and secretive to their illnesses. If your health is being neglected by your GP then see a different one if you're able.

The Empress-03

The Empress is the card of feminine divinity. A card often labelled the "working mother" card, this card talks about the positive vibes and energy you have to give off and receive. This card shows The Empress herself sat upon a throne in nature. She is at one with nature, she has the stars above her head representing the astrological signs (Aries, Pisces etc). She wears regal clothing and is seen as someone of importance. She is in touch with animal and persona alike. Aware of what she wants from her life.
Upright Meaning
The Empress upright in a reading typically represents a woman; more so, a mother. The Empress upright can signal a pregnancy currently happening around you (if not yourself!) The Empress is a regal woman, so to pull this signifies you feel you're in a place of having it all! Everything is going just right for you in this scenario, the card portrays beauty, femininity, decorum and grace. You a mothering or caring for someone right now, they are relying on you and you are proving to be worth the title of 'Empress'. New opportunities lie ahead for you, a door is going to open on something you've been waiting for. The common card we see in pregnancies and motherhood, so in a health reading it is not unusual that the person is expecting or at least trying for a baby.
Reversed Meaning:
Reversed Empress can represent a stagnation in your life that surrounds your feelings towards yourself. You possibly feel less-than at the moment. Empress represents pregnancies and birth, so reversed can mean an unwanted pregnancy, or a difficult pregnancy that is taking a toll on your health. Difficulties getting pregnant (Infertility). Are you having your own mother issues? Home problems with the mother (or female) in the household.


The Emperor is best known for his forward stare, long beard and his regal 'king' looking status. The Emperor usually represents a father, authority figure and is overall, quite a masculine card. The Emperor can be a controlling, or a figure in control. He is not necessarily abusive but reversed can indicate so. The Emperor's throne is depicted with ram's heads, portraying this card belongs to the sign Aries. Aries and Emperor share the same fiery traits, both are typically in charge of their own business and are fantastic workers and successors. Emperor is not someone to challenge as they can also be a sore loser. When pulling this card, there is a high chance the person in (the querent's) question is an Aries.
Upright Meaning:
Emperor upright commonly represents a man, possibly a father/grandfather or what is to you, an authority figure (police, Judge, Solicitor/Lawyer). It says you are a hardworking individual, who can sometime be a bit too "All work and no play", border-lining a workaholic. Stability, father in question and those in a higher power may resonate to you.
Reversed Meaning:
Emperor Reversed can represent abuse from a father or an authority figure which has left you feeling helpless or worthless. This could represent a poor or absent father. As a person, they are unpleasant and controlling. Emperor reversed if asked from a father's perspective could evoke questions of true paternity to your child/ to your father. Lack of control and stability in your life.

The Hierophant-05
The Hierophant is depicted with a religious looking wise man in regal robes and looked upon like a deity. Two followers kneel before him, they respect his wisdom which he offers them, they know this man is a superior person to them (in the working field) and they listen to him carefully and with respect. The Hierophant belongs and shares the same traits as the sign Taurus. The Taurus usually excels in their life(and work usually) like the Hierophant, they have elevated themselves to a level of some authority through common sense and hard work. The Hierophant and Taurus both search in their life for 'why' and 'more'. They like to live a lavish life and are extremely head strong. The religious aspect of The Hierophant relates more that the Taurus has their rules in life, which is very 'My way or the highway' and can be a hindrance. Pulling this card can represent a Taurus in your life.
Upright Meaning:
Is there an upcoming ceremony? This card could prevail a sign of traditions, someone who is set in stone with their mind, this could even be you! The card can show signs of steadiness in relationships possibly veering onto boredom, so be aware of this! The Hierophant may represent a vicar, priest, religious minister. A controlling person, not purposefully controlling but can be a 'pusher'.
Reversed Meaning:
 Going against traditional ways, family rules. Being rebellious, adversity to authority, atheist. This person feels the need to rebel from a situation. A stubborn headed person, refusal to budge on rules. A lawbreaker. Poorer times

The Lovers-06
The Lovers shows an 'Adam and Eve' portrayal in the garden of Eden. The Volcano pictured can be described as phallic, showing the male's arousal for the woman pictured. The Lovers represents harmony, peace, unconditional and unrequited love. It is the card of warmth and of course-love! This card can represent someone who is married/dating. It portrays the persons love for the one in question (of the reading). The Lovers usually appears when asking of the Querent's significant other. Gemini's traits relate to this card, making this their card. Depicting two people, and representing the love a Gemini can offer to those who truly love them. Their feelings are on their sleeves and they are sensual lovers! Pulling this card in a spread can relate to a Gemini in your life.
Upright Meaning:
The Lovers upright in a reading speaks volume of love. If you're asking if someone your dating is interested in you, or if your partner still loves you. This is a big yes! This card pulled represents how much love is in your life right now, things are going swimmingly and you're feeling your very best in life right now. Now is the time to make some positive decisions, ask yourself if the relationships either family or relationship wise are working in your best interests.
Reversed Meaning:
The Lovers reversed can represent disharmony. Upright it is straight-forward about love but reversed does have the opposite meaning in this case. Struggling to connect or be interested in those around you. Do you feel as if you have no love to offer someone right now? Is there a major break-up going on between you and another. Tough choices may lie ahead for you. You may find yourself in conflict or an argument with someone you love/loved. This card can also represent ex lovers resurfacing.

The Chariot-07
The Chariot shows a warrior in his sphinx pulled carriage. This warrior is ready to either go into battle, or he has  recently won his battle, either way, he is decorated in regal armor, so this man is notoriously victorious in his ventures, gaining respect of the people. This card belongs to the sign Cancer. Cancer like The Chariot, represents determination, mood swings, irritability and goal creator. Pulling this card could represent a Cancer in your life.
Upright Meaning:
Upright The Chariot represents self-control, positive decision making and reaching aims and goals you have set out. If there is something upcoming that could be mentally draining on you, this card says it's time to have some willpower and determination. The Chariot is a 'Yes' sign for any upcoming projects, also a sign that what you want can be achieved but ONLY through hard work and of course determination.
Reversed Meaning:
Reversed Chariot is a sign of 'wait!', you may want something right now but this is a sign you're not as ready as you should be! Remember cutting corners is not beneficial and will not give you the desired outcome. This can be a strong 'No, not right now'. This is also a sign of mood-swings and possible childishness behaviour exhibited. Be wary that you may be listening to others advice a little too much, you can ask for help/advice but don't take someone's opinion as a life rule! A reminder that you cannot control every aspect of your life.

Strength is what it says on the card! This card represents Strength, whether that's inner or outer strength. Strength offered or Strength received. The card illustrates a woman with a garland on her head holding the lions head gently, offering support from both creatures. With the lion shown, there is no surprise that this card belongs to the sign Leo. Leo's can be more than stereotypical 'vain', they are warm creatures like the same card traits. Leo is represented with the Lion, it is a strong regal animal that offers protection and support to the person who can 'tame' the beast. The person pictured is someone only they have allowed in their inner 'pride' circle, they trust this person and they in return offer support tenfold. Pulling this card can reference a Leo in your life.
Upright Meaning:
Strength is the card of Strength of course! Strength possesses the same traits of the Chariot with shared motivation and willpower, except the Strength card says you're ready to grab the task at hand by the horns and deal with it at ease. Strength asks if you have a hot temper like the Lion and should consider reining in the ferociousness. Ask if you possess the willpower and self-control to forgive and move on.
Reversed Meaning;
Reversed Strength says it's time to channel that inner strength in a time of possible hardships. You may be feeling in a place of isolation and wondering whether you have the inner strength to continue on after something that hasn't gone to your plans. Do you feel motivated, have you lost your get-up and go, do you feel lazy even? Look how to change your routine. Just like the Leo, reversed can mean quick tempered, anger and argument starting. Ask yourself if you can avoid this.

The Hermit-09
The Hermit illustrates an old wise man on his journey with a lamp and a staff. He knows what path he in on but he is being dedicated and meticulous in reaching his goal the right way. He is aware he will learn things on his journey and that the journey alone may take time, but the 'supercomputer' Hermit is ready to take the 'slow and steady wins the race' approach. This card belongs to the sign Virgo. Virgo, like The Hermit, is steadfast, meticulous, smart, quick witted and sharp tongued. They know where they want to go and how they have to get there, and this sign/card has no problem playing the waiting game. Pulling this card may present a Virgo in your life.
Upright Meaning:
The Hermit upright is the one who seeks answers. You are wanting to do some soul searching and life questioning, you are not settling for less. You know to achieve your goals that you must make sure you have some time alone to think of 'what's next' in your life. You may be asking yourself where you want to be in X amount of years and create a journey to live up to your own expectation. You may find comfort in reaching out to someone with Tarot, Spiritual or religious tendencies for some further answers. Just like the Virgo does, you must take time and educate yourself before you make the next step. Can refer to wanting be alone, feeling too crowded in your life. The Hermit needs his time to himself to recuperate his thoughts and motives.
Reversed Meaning:
Have you took enough time to go over your feelings, are you drawing something out a little longer than needed? Ask yourself if NOW is the time to get back on the horse and deliver yourself to the world again! Perhaps the opposite, you may be burnt out and this card is a sign to take the weight off and withdraw for some time alone, this card tells you that you need this! Do you feel haunted by loneliness or even depression? Be aware that you may be 'hermit' yourself to those around you, or even self deprecation.

Wheel Of Fortune-10
Wheel of Fortune is sometimes referred to as the 'Wheel of Karma' as this card can represent luck (good and bad), fortuity, time itself and change. Wheel of Fortune usually appears in readings when the Querent is asking of their fortune/luck or chance. The wheel itself is clock shaped and can remind us of time-past, present or future, the Wheel is the symbol that 'everything must turn' like the wheel itself and the hands of a clock. This card can be a reminder that nothing remains the same forever as well as depicting a gamble in the Querent's life.
Upright Meaning:
Upright Wheel presents as a positive card, your chances are at a high flying opportunistic right now, a gamble you made may look to be paying off, times have positively changed in your life and a possibility of a money income on the way! The Wheel, when not referring to an abundance of good luck, can portray fate. Something you felt was always the final outcome seems to be looking that way when pulling this card, maybe even a sign you needed to see to prove you're not going down the wrong path. As mentioned, the wheel can represent a clock, this is a sign positive times are coming if not here yet! Things are coming up rosy and you'll be expected to bask in your fortune.
Reversed Meaning:
Wheel reversed is not always a positive sign, your luck may be running out if it hasn't yet, what has gone your way now, is not going to continue staying that way. Be aware you haven't set yourself up for a fail, the reversed wheel can show an issue in the Querent's life that they haven't tackled- this card enunciates that they shall have to lie in the bed they have made. Money issues can be seen in this card, if you have money hold/save it for that upcoming rainy day because the time's are going to get tough-not Tower tough - but tough enough that it'll cause a few waves.

Justice is, of course, the Libra card. Justice is about being just in any form of situation or manner. The Justice card is depicted with a woman holding scales and a sword. The scales show the decisions made/presented are equal and the Sword represents that by any means, the outcome must always be equal. Justice pulled in a spread or question can represent the legal side of our world, solicitors, judges, barristers, bankers even. The outcome they all make has to be true and just-exactly like the Justice herself.
Upright Meaning:
Upright Justice is a sign that a legal battle you could be in, will be dealt with fairly and justly- a clarifying card may be needed to see if this goes in your favour but upright Justice is quite positive enough to be taken alone. Justice may be what situation you find yourself in, instead of having something just happen to you; you may have to impose justice on others (becoming the voice of reason). You may find yourself waiting on a decision from someone/something-this is a positive sign upright. Find balance and control in your life, look towards making things in your life equally met. You may have to make some important decisions.
Reversed Meaning:
Justice reversed is the feeling of unfairness, in whichever aspect of your life that may be. Something seems off-balance right now and you're wondering how you can put your life/routine back on track. Justice reversed can mean feeling a victim of an unfair decision or inequality. Sometimes Justice reversed can be the feeling of 'less-than' to either your co-workers, family, partner. You may feel things have gone everyone else's way but not yours. Attempt to breakaway from this feeling so you can feel like you again.

The Hanged Man-12
The Hanged Man is not as ominous as it sounds, this man is here off his own free will. He does not look injured; actually looking like this is his down time! The Hanged Man similarly to the Hermit, is about reflection except the Hermit is still on the move, the Hanged Man has taken some time to relax or ponder his next step in life.
Upright Meaning:
Pulling this card upright is a sign that your life is put on hold right now. It may be a decision you actually made, you know you need some time alone to reflect on a decision or next goal right now, and what better way to do that than to take a pew like the man himself. If you are waiting on a decision right now, the answer could be this was suspended or put on hold. The whole essence you must remember to this card is that it signifies 'putting a pin in it'. People may find what you do unorthodox or just downright strange, but it makes you happy and that is what matters the most!
Reversed Meaning:
The Hanged Man reversed can be about something put on hold that you don't technically want to be halted. You may be on leave from work, a break from your partner, a hiatus in general in your life that you didn't need or ask for. But take this time to reflect and perfect. The Hanged Man can commonly signify you are giving your all in a project, relationship or work and you're not getting that same energy back from them, you are giving 1000% and they are giving 65%. This card can appear if you're wondering how something you did or said was received by the other person- the answer is not very well, they may not care too much of it rather than it bothering them.

The Death card when pulled is surely eerie enough to freak some people out, but this card is one of the best cards to pull in terms of progressions in life. Death of course represents the end, but the end for us can be something that we need to have out our lives. A door closing in your life, the cease of something ongoing in your day to day life. A major change, should not always be negatively viewed.
Upright Meaning:
Upright Death is pure and simply about the end of something in your life, it may even be a change you've been trying to close but you're not quite there yet, keep at it Death shows this is ended if it hasn't yet. Death can show the end of your marriage/relationship. Death is also the Scorpio card, in the nature that both are ruled by Pluto. Death this way may be a positive for you, if you're wondering whether something is coming to an end, this is a hard yes. Death can represent illnesses too.
Reversed Meaning:
Reversed Death can be a change you're trying to either stop or outright don't want to happen at all, with no control over. This card can appear if something has already happened to you that was hard to deal with and you wish never happened.  It is a harsh reminder that you cannot have control over everything, and life happens this way whether we like it or not. Death reversed can appear if you have moved home, starting a new school (e.g.) and you're worried of the unknown, or what may happen, or how you feel.

Temperance is moderation of course as we know, it is about the yin and the yang. How do we balance things in our life and get things done in orderly time, it is what we all possess in some form just to make our life routinely. Pulling this card is a sign to take your time in making decisions, make sure your mind is clear when advancing to the next step, is everything orderly before you proceed? It is about the middle ground we crave where nothing is neither bad nor good, but balanced in harmony. Pulling this card can relate to Sagittarius as this is their card.
Upright Meaning:
Upright Temperance is a sign things are flowing smoothly, a money income (you are expecting) is on it's way to you and now is the time to bask in things going well in your life. You may take into account some well thought out reasons before making a final decision on something. Overall a positive pull if you're looking for a 'yes' sign! A fairness in genders is visible considering the angel pictured is androgynous.
Reversed Meaning:
Temperance reversed can be a sign of things in your life seeing out of proportion, is something off lately? You may have to even deal with feeling psychically off such as being unwell. There is an imbalance in your life or an upset emotion brewing inside you. Look how you can bounce back to your usual self if possible, find ways to mend the imbalance.

The Devil-15
The Devil is a card notoriously associated with drugs, sex, addictions, violence, infidelity, gambling and sins in general. In the case of a new mother/father, it can represent the bond of a parent to their baby because it is something that has come from the act of sex-an aftermath if you will. This is one of few cards where the reversed is more so positive than it's upright meaning. Capricorn's card is The Devil as The Devil can represent idle hands and Capricorn's are prone to addictive tendencies, they are smart individuals but so hard on themselves.
Upright Meaning:
Upright Devil represents sex, typically, the act of fornication. This can mean sex with a new partner, or maybe you have a partner but you've decided to try something different in the bedroom. Do you work in the sex business, this would be relating to this. On the other hand, drugs and addictions in general is another common Devil meaning, you could be using substances or doing something illegal in general, this card is aimed at you or anyone you're inquiring of in the reading. If you're in a relationship be aware this card can be associated with violent behaviours, criminal activity or controlling tendencies. In some cases this card is paired with mental illnesses. The Devil is about the sins it is associated with, so this upright is not a positive meaning. If you are a Capricorn this is your card, you are not devilish, but a hard worker like the devil but can be dependent on some form of addiction, even if just a workaholic!
Reversed Meaning:
Reversed Devil is a sign that yes, whilst you're addictions are current, you're tackling it! You have realized the light in your life and woken up to the idea of a healthy life. Maybe you're already in the process of rehabilitation but this is a positive sign that you're on the road to some form of recovery, well done! This can also mean literally dodging a bullet with somebody in your life. This reversed is the card of rising from the ashes, leaving a volatile relationship (partner/family/friends) either way you have started to disconnect from something that was causing you sadness, it is not the end of the tunnel just yet though, so be sure to maintain your progress for end results.

The Tower-16
The Tower is the sign of chaos. Whether chaos created purposefully or not at all, or a chaos that could even be minor. The Tower is about the crash as we see in the illustration, the tower has not fallen but it has begun to break and the fear is there. The Tower is destruction, danger, dark times and unseen circumstances. The Tower isn't all bad, sometimes The Tower needs to break down because we are trapped inside it (the tower noticeably has no entrance). If it has no entrance, the only exit, as dramatic and drastic as it is, is out the window, it is the better option than being struck by the proverbial lightning or the bricks of the tower crushing us under it's weight.
Upright Meaning:
The Tower upright can mean death, long term illnesses, upheaval, chaos and disasters. It isn't all doom and gloom though, pulling this card upright can give you a pre-warning of something you're already aware of and gives you a head-start to leave the Tower before it crashes down. Sometimes The Tower because it represents sudden chaos scares people, it is the unknown and unpredictability that comes with this card that makes readers nervous. The Tower can mean financial loss upcoming.
Reversed Meaning:
When pulling this card reversed, change or a process is happening and you're trying to either ignore it happening or prevent it somehow-it is unpreventable it's easier finding ways to deal with situations through the right help methods. Are you questioning what you're life is consisting of right now? Are you holding onto something which is no longer serving you a purpose, find ways of coping. Find ways of riding tough waves instead of holding them back.

The Star-17
The Star relates to the sign Aquarius. The Star when pulled relates to the faith, hope and spirit you are harnessing right now. This doesn't relate to religion, it can mean the faith you have in yourself, another or a goal. With the events of the Tower before, this can recognize the faith you're having in yourself to pull through at this hard time. The Star meaning in a recently gone hard time, you have pulled through.
Upright Meaning:
This is the card to pull if you want to realize how well you're doing right now, your abundance of free spirit and open mind makes you a wonderful person to be around right now! You're loving the happiness and faith flowing through you, it rubs off on others, you may even be in a position to financially help others out right now.You might be looking at life from another angle, making a decision that is a bold one but it is a positive one! Keep at it with this happy Aquarius mood, because the free energy is surrounding you right now leaving you brash enough to make some decisions you usually wouldn't.
Reversed Meaning:
Reversed Star can be a sign you're feeling ''blah'', you're not engaging in what you usually would be and it's not you're taking a Hanged Man approach, it's more the loss of faith and interest which makes it possible you may completely hang up a hobby, job or goal. Reversed Star can mean you feel a distrust in something or someone, they have lost your respect in some way and that has hurt you, making you question a million things 'why'. The Star reversed can feel like a overcoming a difficult time and now you're dealing with another issue right on top, which can cause the emotion of being deflated.

The Moon-18
The Moon is associated with the sign Pisces, The Moon is almost like an umbrella term for emotions themselves. The Moon is shown with two towers, two dogs barking and the animals pictured. The Moon can represent not only visible but hidden emotions, delusion, illusion and paranoia. The Moon can also reference someone trying to dabble in religion, tarot, a spiritual hobby.
Upright Meaning:
Upright Moon represents fears we have, anxieties and what makes us paranoid, this can illuminate these energies that we harness in our day to day lives. The Moon asks us to look at the positives as much as the negatives, find out what feeling hinder and aid us in our life, is there a therapeutic way you could eliminate energies that don't serve you a greater purpose.The Moon is a sign that you don't have enough information right now to be making a decision on anything, try and gather remaining evidence or postpone making some choices until your head is clear. Recognize any anxieties you may be carrying with you on a day to day basis and find calm meditations (along with prescribed medications) to lessen the panic attacks you may experience.
Reversed Meaning:
Reversed Moon is the awareness of panicky anxiety ridden feelings but the mention you are actively tackling this, if not, then these feelings have lessened over time and healing. You may feel some form of emotional freedom from feelings that have held you back. This doesn't mean you are totally clear headed you will have to tackle these issues with correct medication/therapy/meditation instead of sweeping tidal feelings under the rug, speak to a mental health counselor to address any mental health issues you may be dealing with. Pisces is associated with having their heads in the clouds, so mental and dreams will be of importance to you.

The Sun-19
The Sun is about the freedom and the light of day. The Sun is the free spirit that one has throughout life, or even if it is a newfound feeling, it is a joyous one. The Sun is depicted with a naked child on a white horse and the red flag of power and dignity. The child being bare shows the free spirit of the person in question, it is not to the point of The Fool where it is reckless, it relates to the feeling of breaking from some form of chains. It is a feeling of a beginning or a liberation.
Upright Meaning:
The Sun reversed means children or a child (in question). It has the meanings of an earned bragging right, a breakaway from something that once held you back. The Sun shows the innocence of a child, if you don't have a child, you're channeling your inner child to be free or creative as you wish to be. You are full of love and life right now and you have so much to offer to those around you, and they are more than welcoming to receive this warm feedback.
Reversed Meaning:
Sometimes with Sun reversed it feels as if you can't see the wood for the trees, not everything is as clear as you hoped it would be, and decision making is definitely off the cards for you right now. Are you being a bit unrealistic or far-fetched about your goals, maybe your creative side has worn off or has taken a writers block; your freedom of expression could be dimmed and now you're struggling to portray the sunny side of you people are usually used to. You may feel on the dark side of the sun with the possibility of negativeness and depression.

Judgement is just that, the feeling or process of you or another being judged in a form of way. You may have to stand in front of a literal Judge or feel you are in the process of being judged by someone around you. Judgement can be the act of being away from home and thinking old memories which connect you to an older part of your life. The judgement card can be answering to old actions, the process of lying in the bed you have made. 
Upright Meaning:
An upright judgement card can mean many things. It can be literal in the sense that someone is trying to get your attention, or have been trying to get hold of you! But also Judgement comes in the form of listening to the people around you, or hearing closely for your answers to questions you've asked the Universe. Judgement among couples shows one/both is judging the other or being overly critical.Can show others judging your relationship, and gossiping behind your back, Judgement is just that-the act of being judged in some way or another. 
Reversed Meaning:
A reversed Judgement shows a decision or consensus that has been made is either faulty or corrupt. Rather than being at the butt of gossip you're probably the one doing the gossiping. Stagnation in movements or if you're waiting for a go-ahead or to hear news-expect it to be delayed or even lost! If about a court case, this shows the ruling will not be in your favour. If you've been hearing bad things about your partner, address where this is coming from-don't believe everything you hear, as this can show a snake in the grass among friends. 

The World-21
The world is one of the most positive cards in the deck. It can denote fame, wealth, recognition, success, feeling of belonging, healthy living, travelling and moving on from something that once held you back. The person in The World has one foot stepping into the next life and the other leaving from the last, it is a sense of achievement and winning-and better yet, it's because you've worked hard and deserve this. The world is usually associated with a literal book- and when we pull the world upright we know this chapter is beginning/ending (see other cards in spread) but they are joyous about this and ready to move on whereas the World reversed can precisely show stagnation and not being 'over it'.
Upright Meaning:
Upright is the best version of this card, as already aforementioned, this card is a highly positive and successful card. In relationships, this couple is beginning the next chapter of their life. If single they may be coming into a serious relationship or meeting someone they feel 'completes' them. In a career, this is a card of a promotion, a bonus, being granted what you've asked for- and with enthusiasm! We can use this card as big yes. 
Reversed Meaning:
When the world reverse it's a dash in your dreams or hopes. if you've wanted something or asked for something- expect the answer is 'not right now'. You could have a career, hobby or past-time that you feel may be taking up far too much of your mental and physical time. This can show a rejected bonus or promotion just for now. If a wedding, holiday, vacation is planned, expect delays and bumps in the road, this could show the querent that the day will not go ahead as planned the way they'd like. In health, the querent has most likely tried several medications and treatments which don't seem to be doing it for them. The world reverse in health reminds the querent that should their goal be weight-loss then go down the wrong route to do this is affecting your health. 

**Tarot must be used only for entertainment purposes only, always stick with medical advice from your GP. Although health readings are doable, this must only be performed by an experienced reader either in Health tarot or beyond intermediate. **